Friday, February 26, 2010

AAMFT Members Newsletter - 02/25/2010

AAMFT Members Newsletter - 02/25/2010

John Mayer Interview

So most people have probably heard about John Mayer's interview with Playboy and his views or relationships, pornography, and racial issues. In previous post, one of my colleagues who is a staff member at the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy provided some great insights into the article and John Mayer's comments on a Washington, D.C. talk show. Check it out and see what you think about it and how this relates to teens' views of Playboy, pornography, sex, and relationships. Click on "AAMFT Members Newsletter" above.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Back in action!

Well, after a long hiatus, I have decided it is time to attempt this again. Maybe it was watching the movie "Julie and Julia" that inspired me, maybe it was my passion for helping teens make better choices in their lives. Hard telling - but I am back to sharing my thoughts on the world of teens, sex, drugs, rock-n-roll, and all that good stuff. We'll see where we end up!

One of the things that has inspired and impassioned me has been the Lifetime movie "The Pregnancy Pact." I had been fascinated about this story when it first appeared in the news, and we had several discussions about it at work. It had faded into the background until I found a website, I was again fascinated, except this time it was the REAL story from the girls at the school who had become pregnant. They did a documentary on this story and have put together what looks like a great movie in the voice of the girls. Unfortunately, they need to find a distributor and have not found one yet. The film is being screened in Massachusetts soon (wish I lived closer!) and they will continue to try to find someone to distribute the movie. I so appreciated finding this website before seeing the Lifetime movie, because it showed how sensationalized the movie was. If you go to the Gloucester 18 website, there is a great blog that describes the differences between the Lifetime movie and the true documentary. It is a good lesson in remembering TV is mostly fiction, even if it is "ripped from the headlines."

Check it out and tell me what you think. And let me know what issues or topics you think we should cover. I realize I might be blogging to no one right now and maybe for awhile, but let's get this party started and get the discussion going. Talking about sex is one way to help reduce teen pregnancy - so let's start talking!